Tuesday, June 16, 2015

When You Want To Quit

I pray and hope that quitting never comes onto your minds. Dilemmas are just an obstacle that you have to move. Just remember that if you cannot get through it, go around it. So what are a few reasons why we quit and how to deal with it.

1. Too much rejection.
Everybody needs somewhere to belong and family plays a crucial part of belongingness. The key solution is that find a reason to love yourself. A famous person once said that people who mind don't matter and people who matter don't mind. When it's about lack of skills, then go acquire it, learn it and master it. There are lot of opportunities out there, just be patient and don't loose hope to find it.

2. Too much pressure
Personally I think pressure is healthy  but an amount of it can lead to an overdose. Other's get sick due to stress and strips life out of their body and it may be killing them softly. Always look on the positive side in every situation. What you are experiencing now may be a real hammer in the head but you are managing it. Managing it alone is an achievement. Getting around and solving the situation means you have the right skills and the attitude. 

3. Too much Debt
When you are financially incapable of paying your debts you feel at loss, useless and probably all the horrible things that come in your mind. You won't get jailed for not paying them but you will if you evade them. Just be strong enough to accept the situation then your on your way to your success again. Make another game plan. No one has ever succeeded without failing. 

4. Too much loss
It's really difficult to live when you loose someone or worst everyone. As difficult as it may be, the fact that you are living means that you should live. Try creating a bucketlist. A list of things you wish to do before you die. It could be turning your hair into orange or visit a place you really want. It can be as many as you want and as long as you live.

No matter how difficult we are battling today. Find a reason to live.